Professor Henry Jones
What an afternoon! We received a letter today from Professor Henry Jones of the Society for Historial Archaeology in London telling us about a mysterious object buried somewhere in the Eco-garden. When we went to investigate we discovered, to our amazement, the skull of an sabre toothed tiger! We…
Information Books
We are going to be writing a non-chronological report in English so we spent our lesson investigating which features our report must contain.
The Crocodile
We have been looking at poetry this week and here is a photograph of us performing a poem called The Crocodile.
Dream Jars
Last week, in English, we thought about the different types of dreams that the BFG might have blown into people's houses. We then wrote a colour poem based on this. We had a lot of fun writing them and here they are on display.
Mental Calculations
We played a game to warm up our brains up today. There was an empty hundred square on the Smart Board and we had to follow a trail by mentally adding or subtracting steps of one or ten to work out what the mystery number was.
This morning we used equipment to show the different ways in which numbers can be represented.
Fire building
Every cave needs a fire so we went into the eco garden this afternoon to find materials to make one. Our cave is going to look fabulous!
Cave Painting
We are in the process of making a cave in our classroom and we are busy making some paintings to hang in it. We can't wait to show you our cave when it is complete.
Stone Age Tools
As part of our learning about The Stone Age we have been examining a variety of Stone Age tools. We had to sketch them and try to work out what they were and how they were used.
Getting active!
Here we are learning our three times tables by playing Quiz, Quiz,Trade.
Our first investigation
Our first investigation will take all year to complete! We want to find out how much we will grow during our time in Year Three.
New Beginnings
The children have made a fantastic start to Year Three. Here we are creating an abstract portrait in the style of Georges Rouault.