Hello Spring
The children dip dyed kitchen roll in blue and yellow food colouring to create the feathers. They then used art roc to cover balloons to create the 3D eggs. Our Blue Tit certainly shows evidence of new life at St Stephens. We are very excited as the bird boxes near our classroom are housing a…
'Music Madness'
Year 5 using the keyboards to compose their own music at Kearsley Academy...some very talented musicians!
Lung experiments!
We are currently experimenting to see how big our lungs are!
Flash Bang Science
The first half of Year 2 are ready to go into our Science lab....I wonder what they will be doing!
Flash Bang Science Bus Part 2
The second group are now extracting DNA from kiwi fruits.
Technology and time
Check out the ICT games website and select the time section. Try playing the hickory dickory dock game. We love using it in class.
A Thought provoking question
Julian asked the question "Why does o'clock have that line in the air?"
Did you know that it is because it's an abbreviation of 'of the clock'. We didn't but now we do and so do you!
Mega maths time modeller
Our mega maths time medal winner explained why our clock showed half past seven. "The minute hand had gone half way around and the little hand was half way between seven and eight." We're very impressed!
Flash Bang Science Bus
Half of Year 6 are learning about DNA on the 'Flash Bang Science Bus'...
Lenten Tree Project
Reverend Karsten once again led the morning assembly in school. After continuing the story of Easter, he was joined by Mr Williams and four Year 4 pupils to hammer three symbolic nails into the Lenten Tree as part of a shared community project with the Churches on the Mount.
British Science Week 2015
Some of the exciting things that we will be getting up to this week include making a zipline for toys, shrinking eggs and making water walk.
Flash Bang Tuesday
The Science Bus has arrived! Actually it's not really a bus but it IS crammed full of exciting science experiments and all the children will be visiting it over the next two days as part of our activities for British Science Week. Ask your little professors about it when they get home!