Floating fruit
We found out raisins can float and sink using secret ingredients.
Is this what you expected?
There's some very strange things happening in Year 2!
Cookie Monster Science
Cookie Monster explained how to plan an experiment using cookies. First you ask a question, next you plan it by getting everything you need, after that you do it and then tell someone what you have found out. Sometimes you need to do it again.
Snake charming in Year 1
We charged up our rulers with static energy and made our tissue paper snakes come alive. We found the smaller the snake the better behaved it was.
A Special Delivery!
This morning Year 2 received a very special parcel. Inside there was a special test from Willy Wonka...he wants to know what happens when we mix two of his magic ingredients. We will let you know when we find out!
British Science Week
As part of 'British Science Week' we have been carrying out lots of fun experiments - some tricking our brains; others just messy!!!
Ask Year 6 all about them...
Miss Clegg's handwriting blog stars
Well done Libby and Nathan for your extra effort in your handwriting this week. Keep up the monster effort in all your work.
Science Week
Today we will be entering the science bus and carrying out our scienctific missions. Wish us luck!
Lung Experiments
The second half of Year 2 had a great time creating their own lungs. We had to work hard to follow the instructions to create our own model of a lung. It was really good fun!
Science Investigation
Today we have been investigating reactions. We started with four white powders and we predicted how we thought each substance would react when we added vinegar.
We added the vinegar to each container and discussed each acidic reaction and recorded the results on a table that we had prepared…