Super Colour Mixing
Today we did prep work by colour mixing our own skin tone ready for our St Stephen's family portrait!
The Monday After Pizza and Bowling Night
Take 30 excited Year 6 children and ten members of staff, add pizza and a very competitive game of ten pin bowling and a good Friday night out is guaranteed! The Leavers' Night Out was a great success and today sees the final countdown to the end of the school year - four very hectic days of…
Reception Writers in the Office
Just had four young writers knocking at my door to show me some wonderful handwriting. It was even more impressive when I realised they were all from RECEPTION! Joined up handwriting can be hard to crack when you're only five but the effort is worth it in the end - what a good standard they've…
Maths Bronze Award Winners
Keep up the monster effort. Next stop silver.
The Frog Blog
Whilst on our butterfly hunt the children got a little distracted by our resident frogs. Perhaps it's the lesser known green frog butterfly!
And the Earth Shook!
Butterfly hunt update butterflies- none, frogs- three and to our surprise MOLE one! It's a shame the count wasn't for general wildlife in our locality!
The Big Butterfly Count
Today we took part in the Big Butterfly Count which is a national event happening today. We had to spend fifteen minutes in our Eco garden and record our results on a butterfly identification sheet before submitting them online. Year one have been rather kind and have decided that they saw small…
Piñata Fun!
We really enjoyed playing Pinata during our Mexican Fun Day!
Summer Reading Challenge 2015
This afternoon all children in Reception and Years 1,2,3 & 4 were treated to a storytelling session from Librarian Melanie Graaf. Melanie was in school to promote this year's 'Summer Reading Challenge' being held at libraries across the borough. Why not enquire at Farnworth Library for further…
Mexican Food
We sampled a range of Mexican food today. Most of us really liked it but we weren't too sure about refried beans and cocoa nibs.
We have also made a poncho, had a Spanish language lesson and had the opportunity to make an Ojo de Dios (Eye of God), Papel Cortado (paper cutting) and a Mayan…
Don't we look fab! We have had a great Mexican Day and taken part in lots of exciting activities.