Morning Movements
Morning wake and shakes - night boat to Cairo - Shakira: Waka Waka song and dance. We are using this track both in the classroom and as warm up in dance. The children have chosen the track they would like to use in our dance lessons. The vote was unanimous - that POWER by Justin Bieber featuring…
Mapping the Oceans
Year 2 used atlases to locate the oceans of the world.
Library Books
Today every child in Year 1 will bring home a library book. We will visit our school library every Wednesday afternoon and we will be able to change our book or renew our existing one. It is going to be really important that the children have their library books in school on a Wednesday so we…
Football skills
Here we are taking part in our first Football Skills lesson with Miss Jones from Kearsley Academy.
Library Time
All children in our class have been introduced to the new all singing and dancing library and have selected their own book. These will need to be returned every Monday and the books are to be shared at home and do not replace their usual reading book. It is intended to develop a love of reading so…
Greater and less crocodiles
Today we have been looking at greater and less than using < > and = using a prCtical approach as we all know that crocodiles like to eat the biggest thing!
Miss Moss was very impressed with all of the learning logs that were done over the summer. We have had a look at the learning logs and talked about what we liked about each other's and how we could make them even better.
This morning we have started to learn about scarecrows.
Our aim is to build our own scarecrow in time for Kearsley's Scarecrow Festival.
We enjoyed reading the story of 'Tattybogle' and then labelling the different parts of him.
Our 1st P.E. Lesson
Look at us using ribbons and streamers to create letters and shapes during our first Year 1 P.E. lesson.
We had lots of fun!