We Will Remember Them
We have reflected upon Remembrance Day throughout our learning and during our acts of worship. We also created a symbolic wreath made from our hand coloured Union Jack flags, cut out into our own unique hand shape.
Mega Maths Two Minute Challenge Winners
Congratulations one and all keep up the monster effort!
Kearsley Remembrance Parade
What a fantastic show of support! THANK YOU to all those families who turned up in the pouring rain to represent St Stephen's at yesterday's Kearsley Remembrance Parade.
3D Shapes
This week we have had lots of fun learning about 3D shapes. We went on shape walks to find the shapes we've learnt about.
Being Active
Being active with Annie Arrow trying hard to be 'accurate' with our throwing
Brilliant Books
Fostering the love of reading. Who is your favourite author?
Mathematical Symbols
This week we have explored multiplication and division through the use of arrays and grouping. I challenged the children to represent our mathematical symbols with a friend. The results have been quite inventive!
Arrays are us
We created our own number sentences using division, repeated addition and multiplication to match our arrays.
Winning Awards
Look at our smiley winners this week. One received the reader of the week and one received our mega maths modeller trophy for recognising the properties of numbers as we played property towers. Well done also to our star award winner Julian and our super learner, brilliant behaviour and Good…
Reading Music
We have had our first brass lesson of the half term today. The children were reading music from the board and playing their cornets and baritones.
Miss Moss was very impressed!
Handwriting Blog Stars
Well done to this week's handwriting blag stars....Alfie and Oliver Taylor.
Algorithms in Action
Sequencing how to brush your teeth is an unplugged activity to introduce the concept of an algorithm.