Here we are practicing songs for the forthcoming Year a Six production. We sound wonderful!
We have had a brilliant morning in Year Three today! We took part in an inter house game of rounders which was organised by Kearsley Academy.
Inter House Rounders
Well done to all of the Key Stage Two children for a fantastic tournament, particularly the Year 6 Coniston and Windermere team who were the overall winners.
The Day AFTER Ofsted.....
They came, they inspected, they left. The two day inspection went smoothly and we now await the publication of the official Ofsted Report sometime after the half-term break. Watch this space!
Building 3D Shapes
Today we have been very busy building 3D shapes. We used straws, marshmallows, lolly sticks and Playdoh. We had lots of fun!
I do!
Our wedding was fantastic today. We all enjoyed taking part and learning about the different types of weddings that can happen around the world.
Where is God Today?
This afternoon we have been answering that very question using art.
As part of Faith Week we have used a range of media to create our artwork. When they are complete we will write our explanation as to why we have chosen the image.