ANOTHER Monday Gets Away...
Tuesday already and NO Monday Blog! This is becoming a bad habit - I feel a New Year's resolution coming on. We're into the final three days of a long but successful Autumn Term - this morning we'll be taking some children over to church to rehearse their parts in Thursday's Carol Service,…
Crafty Christmas
This morning we have been making Christmas decorations.
Party Time
Thank you for all your kind party food donations, it really helped to create that essential party vibe!
The Final Top Table of 2016
We saw out 2016 in fine style with last week's Star Award winners, red and white wine and a choice of FOUR desserts. Good company - great manners!
Past Pupils Put on a Great Show!
Kearsley Academy invited the Year 5 class to a Christmas Show this morning. All the musicians, singers and dancers (including many of our past pupils - pictured) got rave reviews! Thank you to everyone at Kearsley Academy for a very enjoyable morning.
Brass Concert
The whole school, parents, grandparents and friends have just enjoyed a very festive brass concert performed by Year 4. It really got you in the Christmas mood!!
Brass Concert (A Second Blog)
We were treated to some wonderful singing and playing at this morning's brass concert. Well done to everyone - your hard work certainly paid off!
Brass Performace
Our very talented Year 4 musicians are performing for the school this morning.
A huge thanks to Minshall Music!