Brilliant Books
Over the holidays please continue reading your reading books to develop fluency and stamina, to support this I have included 2 reading books. Well done to everyone who has progressed onto a new reading band. It is lovely to see how far you have come in such a short space of time. Thank you for…
Reception Party
Here we are having fun at our reception party! We also had a special visitor - I wonder who it was?
Christmas Decorations Part 2
This morning we have completed our light up decorations. We added circuits to our creations from yesterday.
KS1 Disco - Wednesday 6.30 -7.45
Remember that tomorrow is our school disco presented by FOSSS. Doors open at 6.30 ( for kS1) There is a charge of £1 on the door ( exact money is preferred) The children can be collected at 7.45 from the Year 2/3 entrance. As always there is a selection of goodies for your children to purchase…
Christmas Crafts Collections
Over the past few days the children have been busy preparing Christmas Crafts to bring home. To facilitate this please could your child bring a plastic bag to school so that they can bring home their Christmas creations and any cards etc that may be lurking in their trays. Thank you.
Year 5 and 6 Party
They've played some games, filled up on party food and are finishing off with a dance. Happy Christmas!
What a fabulous work ethic this young man has displayed today, conscientiously completing his mega maths challenges whilst the others chose to develop their gross motor skills (aka large construction activities) well done you!
A Special Visit From an 'Old Boy'
Just spent a very enjoyable (and informative) twenty minutes with a former pupil of St Stephen's - that's him, first on the left, second row from the back. Colin Hall was a pupil here in the mid 1940's and had a wealth of information about the school and his former classmates. Thank you for taking…
Flaming Fun and Finer Motor Skills.
We have explored synonyms and words associated with fire like flaming, blistering, sizzling, boiling, burning etc. We explored opportunities to use the suffix ing. Using our finer motor skills and knowledge of colour mixing we created our synonyms in flaming colours and paint texture…
This morning we have started to make our Christmas decorations ready to add circuits to them tomorrow.