Our spelling words this week. To be tested on Friday 7th April.
The Eco garden
Some of the children are looking for bugs and insects in the insect hotel. They were very excited when they found 4 snails in the hotel.
Budding journalists
Here we are practising writing lead paragraphs in preparation for our writing next week.
Thank you
If you could not attend our meeting last night a pack is in your child's book bag and there is a copy of our PowerPoint available on the Year Two front page of our website.
Friday Night is Bingo Night!
Yes - tonight, FOSSS will be holding their annual Easter Bingo & Quiz Night at the school. Pressure, Prizes and Pasties - eyes down at 6:30pm. It's a great way to start the weekend and it benefits ALL our children so why not join us this evening?
Anglo-Saxon Gods & Goddesses
Year 5 have been busy researching Anglo-Saxon Gods and Goddesses as part of their homework. We have presented these in front of the class and have made our own book to be displayed in class!