We managed to outside for PE this afternoon, when it decided to finally stop raining. Here's Year 5 enjoying a game of netball.
Vicious Vikings cont.
Last weeks drama performances on the stage outside in the sunshine. Think we have some future actors in Year 5!
My mega maths modeller trophy winner
A well deserved winner for perfectly executing the partition and recombine method with reasoning and justification cleverly showing her knowledge of the number system and love of numbers. A very impressive mornings work!
Spelling book request
Please could all purple spelling books be returned to school so we can restart our spelling tests on a Friday. Let's use the final half term to really secure the spelling of trickier high frequency words and apply those phonic codes and spelling patterns ready for Year 3.
Working hard
Even though SATs are over, Year 6 are working hard again this morning!
Printing in Year 1
Today we have been very busy making our own prints.
It was lots of fun!