Spinner the spider sketches
Spinner the spider helps to remind us to remember to make connections through what we already know about a text or event and what is happening now.
Non uniform day reminder!
Just a reminder that it is non uniform day tomorrow. We are asking for donations of toys for the Summer fair.
Thank you.
Pillowcase project
This afternoon we have been taking part in The Red Cross Pillowcase Project. Children have been learning about weather disasters in the UK and thinking about what they would do in that situation. We decorated pillowcases that we could fill with important things in the event of a weather…
Things Can Only Get Better!
Playground duty has not been much fun this week - so much for 'Flaming June'! Despite not getting out much the children have made a good hardworking return to school for what promises to be a VERY busy final six (and a bit) weeks. Don't forget - tomorrow is non-uniform day (in return for a…
RE Visitor
- Mr Roth came into our RE lesson to talk to us about the Jewish way of life. He told us lots of interesting information about the Synagogue, theTorah and the Jewish Sabbath or Shabbat.
We are very grateful to Mr Roth for so kindly giving up his time to help with our learning.