Mental Calculations
We played a game to warm up our brains up today. There was an empty hundred square on the Smart Board and we had to follow a trail by mentally adding or subtracting steps of one or ten to work out what the mystery number was.
Some of Year 4 designing t-shirts this week in enrichment. Next week they will be using the technique of batik, using wax and ink, to create their finished pieces.
Oil Pastel Picasso Portraits
Art Attack in Enrichment this afternoon.
Spelling super stars ...
Well done this week to Amber, Bailey, Jackson, Lilly, Morgan, Georgia, Katelyn, Dylan, Olga, Ava R and Charlie!
Oh what a picture!
The photographer from the Bolton News came this morning. Keep your eyes peeled to see us in the newspaper very soon!
Number Recognition
Today we have been working on recognising our numbers. We had lots of fun at the same time!
This weeks spellings
Spellings for this week to be learnt for Friday 6th October as we will in Grasmere. English and maths homework also to be completed for this date.