Jesse Tree Assembly - 2
During the second part of the assembly, every member of the St Stephen's Family places a star bearing their name on the branches of the Jesse Tree to show that we all belong.
Jesse Tree Assembly - 1
We held our traditional Jesse Tree assembly this morning. Our tree starts out with symbols representing the people and events that led up to the birth of Jesus - which leads us to think about the family of Jesus and how we are ALL part of that family......
Eyes on the Pies!
I spent some time checking out the Enrichment Activities this afternoon. Some really great artwork, construction, yoga (to name but three). Today's favourite however, was cookery. Partly because of the look of anticipation as our minichefs wait for the mince pies to bake but mainly because they…
Miss Clegg's Handwriting Blog Stars
Well done to this week's winners!
In Fine Voice!
Friday is Choir Day and the children are currently having a quick run through of the songs for Tuesday evening's Kearsley Lights Switch On. Why not come and join us (and join in) at 6:30?
Spelling list for week beginning 1st December
Spellings for the week.