Governor Open Day 4
Mr Hall was full of praise for the two ambassadors who showed him round school this morning.
Governor Open Day 3
School Ambassadors from Year 5 show Mr Seggie (Parent Governor) the library.
Governor Open Day 2
Mr Grant (Chair of Governors) with School Ambassadors
Governor Open Day 1
Throughout the day, St Stephen's governors have been dropping in to see the school in action. They have been accompanied by 'School Ambassadors' from the top two classes. Here, two children from Year 5 are showing Mr Miller around the Year 2 classroom.
VIP Visitor
This afternoon, School Council had lunch with Mr Robin Garland MBE and then took part in a Q&A session to learn more about Project Mala - their chosen charity this year. The charity provides school places for children in rural India. The children will be launching Project Mala to the whole school…
Singing in the Rain
Thank you to all our choristers (forty of them!) who turned up to sing at last night's Kearsley Lights Switch On. You showed great patience and I was proud of you!
We made and erupted a model volcano in preparation for a piece of instructional writing today. We all had a lot of fun.
Our Trip to MOSI
We had an exciting day at the Museum of Science and Industry today. We have now learnt a lot about Forces which will help us with our topic in the New Year.
Year 1 Themed Day
Don't forget that tomorrow is Queen and King day in Year 1!
Christmas Gift from FOSSS
FOSSS (Friends of St Stephen's School) recently made a generous donation to school funds. One of the things we have purchased is this wonderful nativity scene which was unveiled to the children at this morning's assembly. A big thank you to all members of FOSSS who do such a wonderful job…
We spent some time, this afternoon, looking at our pet snails. It is fascinating to see how quickly they are growing.