Advance warning....Master Chef...
Tonight the children will arrive home with a letter detailing information about the junior master chef competition. This is not compulsory and further information is detailed on the letter about it. Thanks in advance and good luck
Sports day tomorrow
All being well tomorrow will be the school's sports day (KS2 AM) to aid with a prompt start we are sending the children's kits home tonight so that they can come to school properly equipped to take part in the school's annual team sports day. As we are experiencing some radical weather please…
Faith Transition
This morning, Alison has been in Year 6 talking about transition and faith as they get ready to make the journey to high school.
Picnic in the Park - Sunday Walkers
What a fantastic turnout for our final Sunday walk of the year! Sixty-eight walkers (and several well-behaved dogs) joined us for a picnic in Black Leach Country Park at the weekend. THANK YOU!
Top Table - A Friday Tradition
Non- uniform but still great company! Well done to last week's Star Award winners.
Leaver’s Prayer Homework
Write a prayer to put in the Prayer Box for the service at Manchester Cathedral.
The Happy Couple!
Wedding bells rang for Reception Class today as they went to St Stephen's Church for a wonderful ceremony and celebrated with 'a bit of a do' back in the school hall. A really good day and everyone looked great! Another memory is made.....