Welcome To The Class of 2019
We (Mr Townsend and Mar Gregson) can’t wait to see you all this morning to begin the Year 4 adventure.
Remember to bring an amazing attitude for learning...
The Final Top Table of the Year
We may just have saved the best 'til last! A really enjoyable Top Table to finish off the year - well done to all our Star Award winners! We'll be back in September.
Leavers' Service
With Reverend Kim officiating, Year 6 delivered a wonderful service in church this morning to mark the end of seven years as members of the 'St Stephen's Family'.
Making Kites
Year 6 have been busy with their reception buddies following their design and making kites ready for St Annes.
A BBQ Queue
Once again, Mr Townsend and Mr Williams did a brilliant job on the BBQ. A big thank you to ALL staff - with a special mention to Mel and Jimmy - for all their hard work in making the fair a success.