Practical Maths
Over the past couple of days we have been busy learning how to find the difference between two numbers.
Art Exhibition
Today we have visited our Art Exhibition in the hall. We had lots of fun looking at all of the different artwork.
Art Exhibition
Coming home tonight is an invite, created by your child, to invite you to our Art Exhibition next Tuesday.
We hope to see you there!
Summer Reading Challenge
Please check your child's book bag tonight for information about the Summer Reading Challenge. The challenge is run by Bolton Library and encourages children to visit local libraries and borrow books to read at home.
Our Seaside Learning Logs
Look at how fantastic our Learning Logs look. We have had lots of fun sharing them in class.
Thank you to all the grown ups who helped us.
Seagulls at the Seaside!
After looking at the Learning Logs, lots of us had noticed that there's always seagulls at the seaside. So, we decide to make some of our own!
A Special Delivery
Look what arrived in the post today. We had lots of fun looking at all of the different things Katie Morag sent us.
Practical Maths
Division is a bit tricky to understand, but we have been working really hard to share things into different groups.
Jellyfish Making
We have been very busy making jellyfish. Becareful if you come into Year 1, they might sting you!
Year 1 Information
I hope your all ready for our last term in Year 1. We have lots of exciting things we need to do before we break up ready for the summer holidays.
Please ensure your child has got their full PE kit including trainers in school. If they have not please can we have them tomorrow.
Phonics and Aliens!
To help us prepare for our Phonics screening check next week we have been reading alien stories, making alien words and comparing them to real words.
We have also had a lot of fun making our own aliens!
Phonics Screening Check
Next week Year 1 will be having their Phonics Screening check. This will consist of 20 'real words' and 20 'alien words'. The children will need to sound out each of the words and then say them. There is nothing to worry about as the children are used to doing this daily, and they even quite…