Year 1's RE Scrapbook
We really like our RE scrapbook. Look at us working hard to add our own ideas and pictures.
Planting our plants
Our seeds have started to turn into plants so we have transferred them into old wellies! We will be putting these outside when the weather is a bit nicer.
If you have any old wellies please send them into Year 1 and we will turn them into planters too!
Mr. Punctuation
To help us with our writing we are working hard to create our own versions of Mr. Punctuation.
Heavier or Lighter than...
Today we have been learning about Mass. We had lots of fun with the scales whilst trying to make them balance.
Ladybird Number Bonds
Our ladybirds have now dried and we have been working on using them to show our number bonds to 10 and 20. Next week we are going to have them on classroom wall, why don't you come and have a look!
Celebrating the curriculum through display
While you are in the hall next week for your child's progress meeting why not take the opportunity to explore our curriculum boards and discover your child's strength depicted upon them. Every child in school is represented on a board. Can you find their work?
After assembly Reverend Kim came to visit us. She let all of us who wanted to have a special cross put on our head. Why not ask us what the cross is made out of or what it represents!
The Flower Shop
We have had a very exciting week. Don't forget to stop by our stall this afternoon!
The Green Cross Code
After a very special road safety assembly we used the traffic lights to learn how to cross the road safely. Luckily for us, we had our own trafffic light in the playground, so we didn't actually need to leave school. We took it in turns to be the drivers and the pedestrians. It was lots of fun,…
The Flower Shop Pitch
Today we have been listening to everyone's mini enterprise pitch. We also had to tell everyone about our stall, The Flower Shop. We hope to see you at our stall on Friday afternoon.