Homework for the week 3 - 10 November
Here is a copy of the spellings for the week to be tested on Friday 10th November. We are back to the usual comprehension and maths homework for the week - to be completed by Friday 10th also.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the half term in helping the children…
Earth and Space
Look how good our display on Space is so far and we're only two days into the new term! The children have been very creative.
Homework for the half term
The current list of spellings for testing on Friday 3rd November. The Learning Log is to be completed, to present to the class, on our return on Monday 30th October.
Year 5 PE lesson
Practising our speed and agility in our PE lesson today.
Learning Log
Your child will be coming home today with a Learning Log on Space. Instructions are provided but if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask next week.
Your child will need to bring their Learning Log into school on Monday 30th October so it can be presented to the class. We…
Spelling for this week
Spellings for the week to be tested Friday 20th October.
Spellings for this week
Just in case the spelling list goes astray from homework folder to home!
Scratch Coding IT Lesson
Creating our own moving scenes and characters using the Scratch program.
Thank you
A huge thank you to everybody who sent in Sainsbury's vouchers. They have enabled Year 5 to buy a planetarium and projector which will make our Space topic next term extremely exciting.
Reading buddies
Helping our Year1 reading buddies with their reading and phonics.
This weeks spellings
Spellings for this week to be learnt for Friday 6th October as we will in Grasmere. English and maths homework also to be completed for this date.