Reading Buddies
Lots of reading and discussing the text is taking place in our reading buddies session with Year 1.
All children in Year 5 have been given the consent letters today for Bikeability in March. The exact dates are on this week's newsletter so please take a look.
Spellings for the week
Spellings to be tested Friday 16th February.
Spellings for the week ahead
Spellings for the week ahead. To be tested Friday 9th February.
Tri-Jigsaw Completed
Three of the children who worked very hard and applied their knowledge. Well done!
Converting Length Tri-Jigsaw
Year 5 are being challenged by having to apply their knowledge of converting measures to complete the tri-jigsaw. Watch this space for the finished results!
Jesus the Teacher
In R.E the children are looking at some of the Parables and are thinking about what Jesus wanted people to learn from these stories.
Each group has a different Parable to look at and re-tell in their own words.
What Size Parachute Will Fall the Fastest?
Year 5 are busy carrying out an investigation involving gravity and air resistance.
Enrichment - The St Stephen's Egg Off
The STEM enrichment activity today - who could protect the egg the best? Two winners pictured on the right. Lots of fun had by everyone!