Colour My World Enrichment...
Collaborative learning, teamwork, communication and language, finer motor skills .... it must be Friday afternoon!
Mrs Robinson's Reader of the Week
Well done for daily reading, awesome!
Marvellous Mathematicians
Well done to these two awesome girls who persevered with their fraction learning today as we worked out fractions of amounts. The girls even wanted to complete their learning during lunch. That's dedication in bucketfuls!
Spelling Sorcerers
Well done to Emily, Libby, Alinah, Jaylan, Charlie, Isla, Blake, Isaac, Megan, Kody, Alisia and Jacob who didn't let Parents Evening interfere with their spelling regime at home and achieved full marks this week! Our most improved speller was Anya. Keep up the monster effort! Next week's spellings…
Fire Fighting in Year 2
We will be applying all our knowledge of the Great Fire and firefighting in our new topic when we explore the character of the human torch. Heat can change how a material behaves.
Mr Fantastic has the Properties of Elastic!
Today we investigated materials and their properties to find the material most like Mr Fantastic!
Science Inspired Art
We explored the properties of the Thing and identified them to being like art roc when dried!
Progress Meetings
This terms progress meetings will take place this week on Wednesday and Thursday. All children have been given their time slot, if this has been misplaced please speak to a member of staff on the door who can reissue the time or alternatively contact the office. If you are unable to attend let us…
Please return your homework
If you have still not returned your holiday homework could it please be returned by the end of the week. Don't forget that if your child is experiencing any difficulties accessing it independently it is ok to read the paper to your child and work on it together. This paper was sent home to support…