Our Flock of Garden Birds
Thanks to all the great research the children have carried out on British birds our flock of artroc birds are now complete! Look out for the starling, robin and blackbird in a garden near you.
Bird Research
A big thank you to everyone who has been researching British garden birds.
Fraction Frenzy
Fractions are taking over Year One's lives. During snack time we realised that we can quarter our snack and show it as a fraction!
Practical Fractions
Today we used multilink and pegboards to show fractions. Many of us can show half of an amount in lots of different ways. Some of us can even show quarters. Well done Year One for making Mrs Faulkner feel so proud!
Miss Clegg's Handwriting Blogstar
Well done Ruby on being Miss Clegg's very first handwriting blogstar!
3D artroc bird sculptures ( work in progress)
We used artroc, small drink bottles and lots of research to create the basic structure of our British birds.
Mini beast hunting in our non fiction texts
We are carrying out lots of research into minibeasts in our locality so we can make factfiles.
The Squidgy Head Company
We had been set the challenge of making a profit for school fund. We democratically chose the name and used different peoples strengths to help develop our product. Some children worked in the artistic department, others in filtration or assembly and some in advertising. We created a jingle and…
Year 1 shopping
A visit to the local shop to source our equipment for our mini enterprise challenge.