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Question time
Who has written the message?
Why have they written the message?
Can you remember the last 5 times that you said "thank you " to somebody?
What did you say thank you for?
What effect does being polite have upon people?
Science investigation into the importance of hand washing
Try this experiment for yourselves whilst you are at home. Do you get the same results? Which variable did you change? Is there a difference between washing your hands with warm water plus soap and cold water plus soap? Can you create a table to record your results? What conclusions can be made…
Readtheory Remarkable Readers
Well done lads, keep up the impressive learning.
Don't forget to check out all the great activities on Sumdog
All logins are in the children's home learning packs and/ or reading journals. Sumdog is a maths focussed learning app/website.
Holy Week begins for Christians around the world
Today is Palm Sunday which marks Jesus' triumphant entry to Jerusalem. It is also that start of Holy Week for Christians around the world.
Bug Club book worms...
Well done to these two members of Year 5 who are the most prolific readers so far using our new reading logins. Please remember to complete the "bug" activities so that I can see your book is completed otherwise it doesn't recognise that you have read the book. Thank you everyone.
Food, glorious food...
Within your pack of home learning you'll find the "food, glorious food" reading comprehension taken from "Oliver" the musical based on Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist". Links to the lyrics are referenced with the pack. This is a great book and movie and to my surprise many of the children haven't…
Viking Mythology learning log
Located in your child's home learning pack the children have been given a range of websites to get them started on their learning log that explores the Viking Gods. Within this project the children may choose to dig deeper into one specific god from Norse mythology. I have then asked the children…
Simply amazing!
Well done for correctly answering a mind blowing number of questions this week using your online login details...keep it up, I need you on my general knowledge quiz team.
I'm bored ...what can I do?
Some Easter holiday activities to do whilst we are not going out which allows for unplugged, mostly non screen activities. I know I've posted quite a few learning "opportunities" and activities but that's what they are "opportunities"you are best placed to know what your child needs during these…