Spend an inspirational hour every Tuesday with an astronaut
As many of you will have spotted our new focus this coming term is Earth and Space and this website will give our children unique access to an astronaut and all things Space related direct from your living room. It may be worth a look , every Tuesday at 2pm or 7pm @ www.isset.org We sadly missed…
Great regular online learning
Well done girls, it's great to see you accessing your online learning, remember short bursts , regularly, online will really help you to develop and further your learning, embedding knowledge.
BBC announce home schooling support lessons
I'll try and keep you posted about this because this looks quite useful in the coming weeks if needed.
Supermovers active learning for KS2 ( and a bit of fun)
Google supermovers and locate the KS2 section, within Year 5 we regularly use these catchy songs and routines to create sticky knowledge opportunities aka overlearning. This is a multi sensory approach so works well for all learners. It covers two main strands and key objectives really well…
A lovely simple craft for over Easter Weekend
Why not cheer up your crafty child by making these simple crafts for someone in the house. It can be easily adapted to what you have available in the house and minimal sewing required.
Finish the story...
"Thank you..." two simple words, but such a powerful message...
Think ninja
I have discovered this excellent app "Thinkninja" that is used by lots of outside agencies to help children develop their emotional health and wellbeing. It is aimed at 10 -18 year olds and helps with the regulations of emotions, empowering children to develop resilience, manage emotional health…
Times tables are life skills
Our current heat map from times tables rockstars suggests we are getting a little bit rusty with only 28% of our class accessing this over the past 14 days ( well done if you are). Try to use TTRS for five minutes each day to keep this invaluable skill of rapid recall of multiplication facts fresh…