Team Work with our trusty litter pickers!
We had spotters, pickers and refuge collectors making our littter pick the most effective yet! Well done Team Faulkner.
Community Spirit
The local police even supported our clean for the Queen. We had lots of support from our local residents too who thanked us for giving them back their weekend by saving them a job.
Fraction Frenzy
The children have been working on equivalent fractions after a quick warm up using and applying the language associated with fractions and shape. The expectation for our class is that we can count forwards and backwards in halves and quarters, recognise quarters, thirds and halves of a shape, an…
Improving mathematical fluency
Keep working on your fluency. You are going to end up being the youngest cohort ever to get the bronze award for your maths fluency in rapid recall of multiplication facts. In the words of Nathan, " Bring on the heat!"