Ordering our days of the week in French
We also learnt a song. See if we can sing it at home!
Vive la France!
Don't forget it's our French Day tomorrow (Wednesday 13th) and the children have been asked to support this day by wearing the colours of the French flag. Vive la France!
Tricky Time
This week we have been improving our knowledge of telling the time to 5 minutes. The children would really benefit from regular opportunities to tell the time at home to reinforce this learning.
Last week we began to learn a new skill - unihoc. The children have fully embraced this new challenge and we are intending to develop this new skill set during our PE lessons on a Wednesday and Thursday. This sport obviously requires suitable footwear, either trainers or pumps, to keep our…
SATs Information Evening
Thank you for attending our SATs information meeting. If you still have questions or could not attend the PowerPoint used is available on the Year 2 page of our website. All children have been given their learning so far to take home and revisit alongside guidance on age related expectations. If…
Reading Bookmarks
Remember to support your child's reading development by reading daily and using the bookmarks located in the front of the reading record to extend your child's understanding of the text. Daily reading will help increase reading stamina and spelling especially of high frequency words and common…
SATs Information Evening
Don't forget that we are hosting an information meeting after school on Thursday to outline the demands of the new testing structure. There will be an opportunity to look at past papers and further exploration of what age related expectation looks like for each of the core subjects. The meeting…
Writing Blogstar
A tremendous effort with improving her handwriting in her handwriting sessions. Let's see this in everyone's learning as we perfect our cursive handwriting.