Remarkable Readers
Remember that there a whole term ahead to get plenty of tickets to enter the draw for the kindle, all you need to do is read at least 4 times a week and get it signed off in your reading record and then myself or Miss Clegg will provide you with a ticket to pop into the big draw at the end of…
Junior STEM Workshop
On Monday we will be exploring forces through our Junior STEM workshop which aims to teach the principles of forces through the use of levers and gears to really develop our scientific knowledge. If you have not yet returned the slip and payment for this workshop please could you kindly send it…
Victorious vocabulary extension
This Week we have started unpicking new key vocabulary associated with our new invaders and settlers topic. It was great to see this team of children applying the banagram tiles to enhance their spelling of the words
African Drumming
Look at how much fun we had during our special drumming workshop!
Here we are in the computing suite designing and creating a robot. It was a lot harder than it looked because, once we had selected the various components needed, we had to manipulate their size and position until the robot was just right
Willow Pattern
In English we have been performing the narrative poem by Tony Mitton.
Drumming Workshop
This morning, pupils (and staff) took part in a Drumming Workshop as part of their work on Africa. The workshop was expertly delivered by Drumroots.
Spellings to be tested next Monday.
Thank you for your support.
This afternoon we have been very busy planting spring bulbs.
Let us know when you start seeing them grow.
Farewell Danny ...
We have finally finished Danny and the Chamion of the World and we are now ready to commence our newest text... The 1000 year old boy. I wonder if the children will be able to draw any comparisons between the two texts... both definitely Year 5 must reads.
Musical Fridays
Music is always in the air on Friday mornings - this time it was the turn of Year 4 drummers under the expert guidance of Mrs Raisbeck, our Music Specialist.
These are the words that we keep making silly mistakes with in our writing, so we are using them for next week's spellings. Thank you.