Clifton Marina
The weather was wonderful today which meant that we were finally able to walk to Clifton Marina and look for evidence of its industrious Wet Earth Colliery past. The children had a good time looking for evidence despite it being rather muddy!
Ash Thursday?
Rev. Kim is with us to give the sign of the cross in ash..
Ask your children why...
TTRS Battle Time
We are busy improving our multiplication recall and having some fun this morning!
Remember that you can carry on at home and strive to win the battle...
Catapult Project Testing Day-Thursday 27th February
Tomorrow will be the day we put the children's catapult prototypes to the test. Don't forget to bring your working model in tomorrow.
Multiplication Assessment
The children have been assessed on their multiplication knowledge this morning.
Please share these with them and look at where we can help them to improve.
Thank you for your continued support.
Catapult Challenge
Over half term don't forget to get your creative juices flowing for your catapult challenge. Your design and pro type needs to be ready to be tested on the first Thursday back. Remember this can be as complex or as simple as you like. Good luck