Image of Well done to all our winners...
5 October 2015

Well done to all our winners...

Congratulations to all our awesome winners, star wards, brilliant behaviour, good Samaritans, English prize winner, reader of the week, mega maths challenge winners too. Keep up the monster effort!

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Image of I Survived Year Five!
5 October 2015

I Survived Year Five!

We went, we walked, we came home again. We also surveyed traffic and building use in Grasmere Village, explored caves and waterfalls, scrambled up rocky paths, had lunch al fresco, slept in bunk beds, had 'midnight' feasts (at about ten o'clock), visited the grave of William Wordsworth, sampled…

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Image of Star Award Winner
2 October 2015

Star Award Winner

Well done to this week's Star Award winner, for his fantastic effort with his writing.

Well done!

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Image of Spanish Visitors!
2 October 2015

Spanish Visitors!

We didn't really have any visitors from Spain, but we did have two lucky little girls in their new dresses!  

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2 October 2015

Blog of the Week

Every Friday Miss Moss asks a member of Year 4 to write a blog entry.  This weeks blog of the week is by Kaitlyn,


We have being doing addition and partitioning Numbers. I enjoyed it when we all did the partitioning numbers and Damien Harvey visited the school he is…

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Image of The Write Stuff
2 October 2015

The Write Stuff

Year 6 writing their scarecrow stories having been inspired by Damien Harvey our visiting author. 

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Image of Handwriting Blog Stars
1 October 2015

Handwriting Blog Stars

Look at this fantastic handwriting.  Miss Clegg was right to be very proud, well done!

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Image of Building Kearsley
1 October 2015

Building Kearsley

Well we have done some very challenging things in Year 1 in the past few weeks, but trying to build Kearsley must be at the top of the list.  We had to work really hard to follow instructions to build 3D houses.

We think they are very impressive, don't you?

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1 October 2015


We had a fantastic morning learning all about the Romans.  We looked at different artifacts, held real roman hair items and played games.

We learned all about Roman soldiers and tried to put a toga onto our friends.  We sketched the roman items and dressed as romans soldiers.


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Image of Computing
1 October 2015


Every Thursday we have our computing lesson in the computer suite.  Here we are planning, writing and testing instructions that will tell someone how to walk across the room and shake hands using coding language.

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Image of Storytelling with the Library Service
30 September 2015

Storytelling with the Library Service

Today we had a special visit from Library services.  We loved listening to the stories and meeting the puppets.


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Image of Scout Boot Camp Survival Award
30 September 2015

Scout Boot Camp Survival Award

One of our Year 6 pupils (and a member of the '3rd Farnworth Scout Troop') proudly shows off the trophy recently awarded for SURVIVAL at the 2015 Boot Camp. Unlike the X Factor version, THIS Boot Camp involved putting up tents without adult support, chopping your own firewood and cooking your own…

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