Topic and Maths
As a break from all our mini enterprise work we created some symmetrical butterflies in our Topic lesson.
When we were reading Percy's stories we noticed how brightly coloured butterflies are so tried to recreate them.
We have displayed them in between Year 1 and Reception, why don't you…
Mini Enterprise Pitches
In assembly this morning we got to watch all of the other classes pitch their mini enterprise ideas. We are really looking forward to Friday and have lots of ideas about what we would like to buy.
Advertising Our Products
As part of our advertising campaign we have all made a poster and displayed them around school. Have you seen them?
Lord Sugar Would Be Impressed!
As you probably know, this week is Mini Enterprise Week at St Stephen's and this morning all classes took part in a special assembly to advertise their products to the rest of the school. There were some really creative ideas and I can see that competition is going to be fierce at Friday…
Market Research
This morning we are conducting some market research in order to meet the needs of our potential customers. Colours, sizes, prices, special editions? YOU DECIDE!
Year 5's Sales Pitch
Well done to our advertising team who did a great job promoting 'Cards 4 you'.