Tomorrow is Carnival Day
As part of our carnival the children will be making muffins and outfits befitting a St Lucian Carnial, if you have any spare newspaper could you please send it into class tomorrow to help support this event. Thank you in advance.
Multiple towers
Today we played a game of multiple towers identifying the patterns created on a 100 square when you locate multiples of 2,3,5 and 10. The next time we revisit this game we will be looking for numbers that are in more than one multiplication pattern.
Super Swimmers
We have been for our first swimming lesson today- it was highly enjoyable for us all!
Strictly Come Dancing Judges
Have a look at a sample of our judging explanations, in English today, over on Twitter- @ststyear6
Sharing Books From The Book Fair
This morning Year 5 joined Reception in the hall and looked at the new books that are on offer from the Book Fair together.
Music Time!
Today we have been working on our listening skills. We took it in turns to be the teacher. It was lots of fun!
Getting out n about!
This morning we put on our waterproofs to go on a puddle hunt. We found some small puddles and some big puddles, we also found some very deep puddles. It's good job we had our waterproofs on to protect us!
Today we have been using a computer program called Scratch to create a moving scene with two characters.
Super mega maths challengers
Full marks today... almost ready for the next challenge!