Jesse Tree Assembly
We really enjoyed our assembly this morning. We all put our own star on the Jesse Tree.
Doesn't it look lovely!
We began our learning about instructional writing by making a paper snowflake to hang in our classroom. We all found it a lot harder than we thought!
Jesse Tree Assembly
Remembering that we are all part of God's family!
Jesse Tree Too
This is the tree complete with stars for every child and member of staff at St. Stephen's. It was a a wonderful way to start the day as we look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus. ANOTHER wonderful way to start the day will be our Advent Assembly led by Reverend Kim - in church at 9 o'clock…
Jesse Tree Assembly
We have been remembering about the family of God and how we all belong to it. As we look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus, we look at the important people who were also members of that family.
Why not ask the children all about it?
Dragon Teamwork
Today we had to work as a team to make a dragon. We had to take it in turns, share and listen to other people's ideas.
It was quite tricky, but lots of fun!
The Boys Club
I wonder what the boys are talking about. You could ask them when they get home!!
Letter Writing
We were so impressed with our school trip that we wrote a letter to the museum to tell them as such. We planned, wrote, edited and redrafted our letters before writing a final, polished version. Here you can see three of us posting our letters. We are hoping that they will reply!
A Thorn Among Eight Roses!
See what I mean? Top Table was a very enjoyable experience this week but Star Award boys were noticeable by their absence. Come on lads!
Spelling success and next weeks spellings (2.12.16)
Super spellers this week :- Sienna, Kody, Megan, Blake, Ava, Isla and Alinah.