Shrove Tuesday
For our Shrove Tuesday celebrations this morning we helped Mrs Hughes make some delicious pancakes with various toppings. This afternoon we had a pancake race with the help of our buddies in Year 6. A good time was had by all!!
A rainy day request for our All Saints visit
Waterproof coats plus wellies equals warm, dry children. Please send your children to school tomorrow in waterproof coats ( with a hood) and waterproof footwear to enable the children to access all our exciting activities regardless of what Storm Doris brings. Don't forget your child's usual blackā¦
We have been learning about perpendicular and parallel lines today so we took part in the 'line rave' dance before looking for perpendicular and parallel lines on different national flags.
Ps, I am sure that the children would love to do the line rave dance at home!
This morning we have been writing down everything we can think of that has something to do with fairytales.
Welcome Back!
I counted them all in this morning - two hundred and nine smartly dressed children eager to learn and glad to be back (well - most of them anyway). Hope you enjoyed their company last week (if you managed to get some time off) and now it's back to business as usual.
First batch of revision guides coming home tonight with your children (newer ones ordered and to be dispatched on arrival). Twenty minutes a day could make all the difference...
Back At 'The Grind-Stone'!
Working hard already in what is a very important half-term.
Full concentration and focus required from all!
And so it begins ...
Get ready for our new topic... More information available on the Year 2 main page! Don't forget if you want to do a bit of pre - learning before Monday take a look at the science related tiles on our Learning Wall.