Carrier Bag Maths
We warmed our brains up in maths this morning using a carrier bag from Tesco! Their recipe bags give the children a wonderful opportunity to practice their scaling problem solving skills.
Heavier or Lighter than...
Today we have been learning about Mass. We had lots of fun with the scales whilst trying to make them balance.
We have been learning about 3D shapes. We had to match the shape to the appropriate card and then we had fun looking outside to see what shapes we could find.
Multiple Frenzy
This morning we have been testing our multiples knowledge using the multiple frenzy game. There was a lot of competition between the pairs to get the highest points!
Ladybird Number Bonds
Our ladybirds have now dried and we have been working on using them to show our number bonds to 10 and 20. Next week we are going to have them on classroom wall, why don't you come and have a look!
Top Table
First Top Table of the new halfterm - and very enjoyable it was too! Well done to all our Star Award winners from before the holiday.
It's back...
It's back...
Construction Corner has a new group of 'Master-Builders'!
The Good Samaritan
In our R.E lesson today we listened to the story of The Good Samaritan and thought about a time when we had been kind and helped someone in need. We also made our own puppets to tell the story to our friends in the class.
Birthday wishes to a poorly pupil
Happy birthday to Emily, happy birthday to Emily, happy birthday dear Emily, happy birthday to you!