Learning Logs
If you haven't returned your child's learning log please will you send it in tomorrow. Thank you.
School Library Books
Today we have had our first visit to the school library. Everyone had a lovely time picking a book to borrow and bring home.
Our first investigation
Our first investigation will take all year to complete! We want to find out how much we will grow during our time in Year Three.
P.E. Lessons
For our P.E. lessons on a Thursday we have a special coach. Why not ask us all about it?
Our portraits
This morning we have done a portrait of ourselves in the style of the artist Andy Warhol.
These are going to be used as display. They are going to look fabulous when completed.
Day Three - Dancing Queens
Of COURSE there's lots of Reading, Writing and 'Rithmetic going on but I thought I'd share some of the OTHER stuff in my blog this week. The stage built by Mr Williams and Mr Seggie last year is in almost constant use during breaks. THIS lunchtime I came across some very accomplished dancers…
P.E. Coaches
We are with our sports coach this afternoon.
Why not ask us how it went?
Our Books from the Library
Look what arrived for us today! We had lots of fun looking at and sharing the books with our friends.
Self Portrait Paintings
Today we have started working on our self portraits. We will show you the finished pieces when they are ready!
Modigliani Inspired Portraits
We are working in oil pastel to create our own Modigliani style portraits. They will be displayed in the hall to be viewed soon...
Handwriting practise - letters to Serrekunda
Still working hard - practising our handwriting after a six week break, writing to our pen pals in Serrekunda.