Exciting Electricity!
This afternoon we have been having some lightbulb moments. We have made our own circuits as part of our electricity topic.
Parents' Evening - The Sequel!
Yesterday was part ONE of our Autumn Term Parents' Evenings - it was good to see so many of you here - and THANK YOU for completing the parent questionnaire. It will give us good feedback on what we're doing well and any areas we can improve upon. More of the same in part TWO tonight…
We have been working on perimeter this week in maths. We have been completing perimeter challenges and practically measuring perimeter around school.
Here we are assessing the usefulness of instructions in preparation for our writing next week
This morning we are carrying out research to find out information for our explanation texts about electricity.
Human Pie Chart.
We constructed a human pie chart for our favourite savoury pie choices...
Ask us all about it.
As we are refraining from using technology on Friday - a copy of the spellings in advance!
Parent's Evenings
Please check your child's book bag for their appointment time. We have tried to accommodate everyone at their preferred times, when this has not been possible we've put you as close as we could. Thank you.
Code, code and more code
Today we have been working on debugging algorithyms during our computing sessions. Last week all children brought home their passwords to further their learning at home. I have created a simple link on our learning wall for members of Year 2 to access this amazing resource.
A Very Wet Morning Break!
I was on playground duty this morning and it WASN'T much fun. At least we've now got our other playground back (the scaffolding was removed on Saturday) so our footballers will be happy (weather permitting).