Image of Christingle Service
18 December 2017

Christingle Service

A huge thank you to all who attended the Christingle Service in church on Friday evening.

Your support, as always, is greatly appreciated.  

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Image of Christmas accessories
18 December 2017

Christmas accessories

If your child wants to wear a Christmas hat or boppers for Christmas lunch they are more than welcome to and I am sure lots of the staff will join in the fun.

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Image of Christmas Jumpers and Dinner Day tomorrow
18 December 2017

Christmas Jumpers and Dinner Day tomorrow

Don't forget that Tuesday is our annual Christmas jumper and dinner day and to support our local charity we are asking for a one pound donation to support a worthy cause. Please remember that your child's Christmas jumper just replaces their school jumper for the day and that their regular uniform…

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Image of Creative Calendars
18 December 2017

Creative Calendars

Look at our wonderful calendars.  We used paint and forks to make pretty flowers.

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15 December 2017

Homework and Spellings

There are no spellings this week. Also, homework is to be handed in on Thursday. 

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Image of Christingle Service
15 December 2017

Christingle Service

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children (plus LOTS of parents and grandparents) joined us in church for a special Christingle Service led by Reverend Kim. The children made their own Christingles in school earlier this week and the effect of eighty-five candles lighting up the dark was magical.

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Image of Times Table Superstars
15 December 2017

Times Table Superstars

A huge well done to our first EVER emerald award winners! We are so proud. 

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Image of Times table Super stars
15 December 2017

Times table Super stars

Well done to this super star who has achieved his Silver certificate. 

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Image of Times Table Superstars!
15 December 2017

Times Table Superstars!

Well done to this brain box who has achieved her Gold level certificate. 

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Image of Brassed Off? - Definitely Not!
15 December 2017

Brassed Off? - Definitely Not!

We had another good turnout from parents and grandparents to hear our Year 4 Class and the St Stephen's Brass Band (all 24 of them!) playing some festive tunes this morning. They looked good and sounded even better!

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Image of Christingles
14 December 2017


We have been making Christingles this afternoon as part of our R.E lesson. The children can collect and use these at church at the Christingle service at 6.30. 

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