To supplement our current PSHE scheme of work we will be using a specialised program of learning to support our SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) to develop the whole child. The scheme is based around the experiences of 10 characters of varying ages and backgrounds. The children…
Advance Notice - World Book Day THURSDAY 1st March 2018
Marked in over 100 countries across the globe, World Book Day is a UNESCO initiative that aims to celebrate both books and reading, especially among younger members of our societies. In the UK and Ireland, National Book Tokens are sent out so that children can find a book of their very own –…
Mega Maths Champion Challengers
Well done to April, Charlie and Katelynn for achieving full marks in your Maths challenge this week. Remember to keep on working on your rapid recall of facts over the holidays. A quick note to parents that you may be aware of the Governments drive to improve fluency of mathematical facts and that…
Crucial Crew With Year 6
Spent a very enjoyable (and informative) 'Crucial Crew' afternoon at the Bolton Barracks learning about all aspects of keeping safe - on the roads, on the railway track and online.
The Lent challenge
The children in our class are taking part in the Bible Society's Lent Challenge. Each day the children are aiming to choose a picture to blog linked to the words inspired by the Gospels. Today's theme is 'Remember'
Here we are learning how to say and write good morning and good afternoon in Spanish. Why don't you ask your child about it tonight?
The children have a selection of revision guides and an exercise book.
They will be bringing them home tonight and we would greatly appreciate reminders and encouragement for twenty to thirty minutes revision three to four times a week...
We will be looking through revision exercise books…
Ash Thursday
After our visit to church Reverend Kim came to see us in school. She brought some ash and those of us who wanted, had a special cross made on our hand.