Image of 3 layer float
22 May 2019

3 layer float

the children loved applying their new found scientific language of density, buoyancy, immiscible and miscible. I vacant wait for the children to showcase their knowledge at the science fayre on Friday. Don't forget parents are invited to come and share in the fun and of course are responsible for…

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Image of Howzat for a Great Cricket Tournament!
22 May 2019

Howzat for a Great Cricket Tournament!

Our Year 5 cricketers did us proud at Little Lever Cricket Club today. Good skills,great sportsmanship - the organisers and umpires made of point of telling me that their behaviour and manners were a credit to the school. Well done!

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Image of Pop up planetarium solves many questions
21 May 2019

Pop up planetarium solves many questions

a fabulous opportunity for the children to become fully absorbed in our world. I was incredibly proud of the knowledge the children had remembered from earlier on in the year. The presenter commented on the maturity of questions and their pre existing knowledge.

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Image of Rockets
21 May 2019


Today we have had a space day. We built our own air resistance rockets and investigated which rocket would travel the farthest.

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Image of Lunch in the Sun
21 May 2019

Lunch in the Sun

Because we had the whole universe in the dining hall - see previous blog - we dined 'al fresco' at lunchtime.

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Image of Inside The Wonderdome!
21 May 2019

Inside The Wonderdome!

We have been in the mobile planetarium this morning, learning lots on our ‘Space Day’ in a WOW Week.

Ask your children all about it... 

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Image of Assembly Cancelled - Too Much Space in the Hall!
21 May 2019

Assembly Cancelled - Too Much Space in the Hall!

WOW Week continues today with the arrival of a giant dome filling the hall. As part of 'Space Day', all children will be visiting the planetarium to learn about the wonders of the universe. I've had a sneak preview and it's VERY impressive!

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Image of A journey through faith
20 May 2019

A journey through faith

As part of our journey themed WOW week we took part in a pop up prayer station, an enormous 19 meter labyrinth with six reflection points based around the Lord's Prayer.

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Image of Roman Britain Learning Log
20 May 2019

Roman Britain Learning Log

Your next Learning Log. 

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Image of Science Based Learning Logs
20 May 2019

Science Based Learning Logs

Some fantastic learning has taken place at home, well done Y4!

Thank you all for your continued support and efforts. 

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Image of Owls In Science (WOW) Week
20 May 2019

Owls In Science (WOW) Week

Ask your children all about it...

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