Our spellings for next week. For the next couple of weeks everyone will be having the same spellings. We have taken the words that the children frequently get incorrect and will be using these as our spellings. Thank you.
Nets or Not?
We are investigating whether nets work to create the given 3D shapes or not...
It has been a busy Maths Week and have enjoyed it and learnt an awful lot!
Ask your child all about it.
Our bottle to bottle tombola needs your help
Tomorrow we will be hosting a non school uniform day in support of the Church Christmas Fayre which is held within our school hall for all the community. We like to support this by running our traditional bottle stall however for this to happen we do really on your generosity and ask that if your…
As part of our maths week, we are learning about parallel lines and perpendicular lines as well as horizontal and vertical lines. We decided that a super way to learn about them was by creating an abstract piece of art in the style of Mondrian
Murderous Maths
This week the children have been working incredibly hard to solve the murder using and applying many different strands of the maths curriculum. The children have loved applying their skills especially through the use of a mathematical jeopardy game that can be found at www.math-play.com and…
Learning By Questions
This afternoon, as part of Maths a Week, we have been using the LBQ tablets to increase our knowledge on aspects of Geometry.
Spellings for the week ahead - to be tested 28th November.
Conductor or Insulator?
In Science we have been testing a range of materials to find out which are conductors and which are insulators...