City Hunters
This afternoon we have been using an atlas to find cities in England.
Stop Motion Animation
This morning we have started to look at Stop Motion animation. We have used the StopMotion iPad app to have a go at creating our own animations.
Maths puzzles
We are completing a maths puzzle this morning to help us convert measurements.
A messy experiment
As part of our topic we have been looking st the digestive system. This afternoon we have created our own digestive system. We had lots of fun and made lots of mess.
A fantastic afternoon experimenting!
We have carried out an experiment to find out the effects of different liquids on our teeth.
Still Life Drawing
This morning we are doing some art and using peppers to complete a charcoal drawing.
We have been hot seating this afternoon in RE. We have been discussing how Judas betrayed Jesus in the Easter Story.
We have a winner!
A special package arrived at school today. Here is a member of our after school Film club with her certificate and prize for leaving the best 'review of the week'. If you are a member of Film club, keep leaving those reviews so you have the chance of winning a mystery prize.
We are learning all about the different parts of our digestive system and their functions.
The Easter Story
We are sequencing the Easter story this morning in RE.