Spellings to be tested on the first Monday back after half term.
Water Paint Session
We have worked with the artist, Mr Templeton, to create our own versions of Salvador Dali inspired ‘Melted Clocks’ water colour paintings.
They will be displayed and available for purchase later in the year... Watch this space.
Safer Internet Day
As part of Safer Internet Day the children are exploring the CEOPs Think U Know pages, which include a range of educational games.
They can continue this at hom too...
Y4 Samba Reggae Band
Great practice this morning.
A performance will be filmed and posted next week- watch this space!
Faith Trail Visit
Today we have visited our three local churches as part of our faith trail.
Why not ask your child all about it?
Willow Pattern
In English we have been performing the narrative poem by Tony Mitton.
Spellings to be tested next Monday.
Thank you for your support.
We have been looking at factors this morning.
Can you help your child solve my ‘Working Wall Puzzles’ ?
Creative Recounts
As part of our English unit on recounts, we are creating our own scrap book of fears from when we were younger. Some great ideas shared already.
This book will be displayed in class for you to view next time you are in...