WWII Learning Logs
We have been sharing our WWII Learning Logs this morning.
Some fantastic projects, visits and resources shared.
Thank you for your continued support.
Music Performance
Our choir and instrumentalists are performing a range of their learning this morning- including a few festive treats!
Gentle Reminder
A quick reminder that on Monday 16th Learning Logs are due in.
Upbeat Assembly
We are having a special assembly this morning led by the children who have been in the ‘Upbeat’ enrichment activity this half-term.
Shared Write Poem
We have been looking at ‘as’ similes in English and with a partner given a line for a class simile poem.
Which line is your favourite?
Electronic Games
Using our learning on circuits, we are inventing and making games that incorporate our knowledge.
Synagogue in a Box Workshop II
To cheer up the curator, we have been working in teams to create some artefacts.
Why not ask your child what they have learnt?
Synagogue in a Box Workshop
We are studying artefacts from the Wandering Jewish Museum and considering how they link to Manchester.
Ask your child all about it.
Spellings to be tested 09/12/19
Thank you for your support.
Jesse Tree Assembly
As the period of Advent begins we have had our Jesse Tree Assembly, remembering that we are all part of God’s family.