Image of Spellings
16 March 2020


spellings to be tested next Monday 23/03/2020

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Image of Gases in Y4
11 March 2020

Gases in Y4

What have weighing scales, an ‘empty’ bottle and some air freshener had to do with our science work this afternoon?

Why not ask your child all about it? 

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Image of Roman army or not...
10 March 2020

Roman army or not...

We have studied the pros and cons of joining the Roman army and made a decision as to whether we would join or not.

Those at the top wanted to join and those below didn’t.

Ask your child about their decision and why they made that choice...

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Image of Spellings
9 March 2020


Spellings to be tested Monday 16th March.

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Image of World Book Day
5 March 2020

World Book Day

Looking good in our pyjamas and enjoying World Boom Day.

Which books are your favourite and why? 

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Image of Ash Thursday?
27 February 2020

Ash Thursday?

Rev. Kim is with us to give the sign of the cross in ash..

Ask your children why... 

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Image of TTRS Battle Time
27 February 2020

TTRS Battle Time

We are busy improving our multiplication recall and having some fun this morning! 

Remember that you can carry on at home and strive to win the battle... 

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Image of Multiplication Assessment
25 February 2020

Multiplication Assessment

The children have been assessed on their multiplication knowledge this morning.

Please share these with them and look at where we can help them to improve.

Thank you for your continued support.

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Image of Spellings
24 February 2020


To be tested 02/03/2020

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Image of Branching Databases
12 February 2020

Branching Databases

We are classifying (sorting) leaves using branching databases this afternoon.


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