Spring Has Sprung!
It's official! Spring has arrived at St Stephen's - the first daffodils of the year made their appearance over the weekend. The week ahead looks like another busy one - we've a student teacher joining us in Reception Class for the next fortnight, a couple of Governors meetings and a class trip to…
Top Table - a Great Way to End the Week
When the Star Award winners join me for lunch the weekend isn't far away!
Thursday Already!
It's been a good week so far - everything going smoothly (except for the major repair work on Bent Spur Road). The conversion of our top playground to a temporary car park has eased the congestion - thank you for your patience before & after school - and things should be back to 'normal' after…
Snow Go Area
Well, the snow came over the weekend but didn't hang around too long (much to the disappointment of 212 children). So it's business as usual at school. A good (but chilly) start to the week.
There's Music in the Air....
I love this time on a Friday morning if I'm in the office because Year 4 are having their brass lesson with Sam Minshall and I start to dream of having a St Stephen's Brass Band in the not too distant future. They're sounding better with each passing week!
That Friday Feeling....
The end of another busy week at St Stephen's. We like to work hard and play hard (especially Year 6 in the football yard - just outside my office window). At least the rain has stopped for a while but the children's dream of snow hasn't come true - YET. Have a good weekend.
Church Assembly
As part of our very strong links with St Stephen's Church, Reverend Kim Lafferty conducts regular school assemblies - both in school and at the church. This morning the whole school joined Reverend Kim in church for morning worship.
Gambia Calling!
Just received a phone call from Mrs Angela Touray, the new Head Teacher at Serrekunda - our link school in the Gambia. We lost contact with them for a few months but now our link is up and running again. Later this term children from both schools will exchange letters about life in the two…
I Went to Pieces in Assembly....
This morning's assembly was all about the Family of St Stephen's and how EVERYONE (staff, governors, children, parents) has a part to play. Without every single piece in place this school wouldn't be as successful as it is. Thank you for the contribution YOU make - long may it…
Dining in Style at the Top Table
Always a great way to end the week - joined at the Top Table by our Star Award winners. Cheers!
Governors Open day
Throughout the day our school governors will be 'dropping in' to see the school in action and spend some time with their 'Link Class'. Our governors have a crucial role in ensuring that the school continues to offer high quality provision for all pupils. Check out the Class Blogs on the school…
We're Back!
It's been a great start to the Spring Term. The children have returned to school bright-eyed and bushy tailed (so have most of the staff) and settled straight back into the St Stephen's routine. Long may it continue....