Square and Cube Numbers
In Maths the children have been using multilink to investigate square and cube numbers.
Gravity Investigation
The children have been given the task of testing the effects of gravity using a marble, ramp and tape measure. Will the marble go further the higher the ramp? Ask Year 5 for an explanation.
Grand Slam Maths
This week in Maths we have been focusing on mental strategies for addition and subtraction. Today, the children put it into practise playing games on the computer.
Board Game Antics
A new group of children enjoyed playing games during our enrichment afternoon.
Roman Numerals
In Maths we have been looking at Roman numerals. The children were given the challenge of creating their date of birth in Roman numerals using art straws.
Getting Into the Spirit
Mr Lasan having a go on the 'Wobble Deck'!
Year 5 and 6 Party
They've played some games, filled up on party food and are finishing off with a dance. Happy Christmas!
Space Video Editing Project
The children have started their Space projects today in Computing. They have to put all of the video editing skills that they have learnt over the last few weeks. Look out for the finished projects.
Maths Challenge
Today in Maths some of Year 5 tried to answer word problems without being allowed to use numbers. They could use pictures, objects and any other way they could think of. It definitely made their brains work on a Friday morning!