Year 2 Library
In Year 2 we will visit the school library every Thursday. The children will have the opportunity to exchange their book or have it re-issued if they would like to keep it for another week. Even if your child wants to keep their book, we still need to see it so that it doesn't get recognised as…
Our Visit to Year 2
Today we have been to visit our new classroom. We have done some painting, writing and a special Maths challenge. Why not ask us about it!
These are our spellings for next week. Please note, that due to orientation next Friday our test will be on Thursday. Thank you.
2 X Table
In Year 1 we have started to learn our 2 times tables. Please help us at home to say them. Thank you.
Our spellings for next week. We haven't had a test today so there are no scores to record. Thank you.