Story Sequencing
Today we have been busy ordering the images to retell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.
Flower Labelling
Over the last couple of days we have been making our own flowers. We then had to label them to show the different parts.
Tomorrow's Trip
Don't forget that tomorrow Year 1 will be visiting the farm. All children need to come to school in non uniform. They will need warm, sensible clothes which can get muddy. They also need sensible footwear (wellies) and a waterproof coat with a hood. Reading books will not be being changed…
This afternoon we have been having lots of fun playing the musical instruments.
Here are our spellings for next week, please don't forget that the score on the top of the list is the result from today's test. Thank you.
Bee Bots
Today we have been working with the Bee Bots. We worked in groups and had to direct them from one place to another. We had a lot of fun!
Topic Books
We have had a new delivery of books to help us with our Topic work. Why don't you ask us about them?