Catapult Challenge
Over half term don't forget to get your creative juices flowing for your catapult challenge. Your design and pro type needs to be ready to be tested on the first Thursday back. Remember this can be as complex or as simple as you like. Good luck
The Anglo Saxon Chronicles
Today we have been writing about the invasions during the dark ages as scribed by Monks during these troubled times. We have based our chronicles on events that unravelled during our invasion and settlement game which identified the plight of different groups of invaders and settlers during 400AD,…
Catapult Calamities
Over half term I am challenging the children to create their own catapult that can be used to compete against other catapults in class as part of our science unit on forces and our invaders and settlers unit in History. The design can be as simple or as complicated as the individual wishes.…
We've gone old school for our maths learning
Can you solve the ancient runic system used in the dark ages